t/f: 504-586-5253
Diverse practice primarily in the federal and state courts of Louisiana and Mississippi representing plaintiffs and defendants. References and representative cases on request.
Substantial appellate experience.
Substantial experience in professional fraud cases and cases implicating the First Amendment, including defamation cases.
Court-appointed receiver in Securities & Exchange Commission vs. Adams, et al., No. 3:18-cv-252 (S.D. Miss.), and charged with recovering money for victims of Mississippi's largest Ponzi scheme. Follow progress at madisontimberreceiver.com.
Court-appointed mediator of Hurricane Ida insurance claims in the U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of Louisiana.
Member of the Eastern District of Louisiana’s Criminal Justice Act Panel and accept appointments to represent indigent criminal defendants in federal courts.
Certified mediator and AAA arbitrator.
I volunteer my professional time to causes that are important to me.
Bar admissions
Court admissions
U.S. Supreme Court
U.S. Court of Appeals for the Second, Fourth, Fifth, Eighth, Ninth, Eleventh, and D.C. Circuits
U.S. District Courts for the Northern and Southern Districts of Mississippi
U.S. District Courts for the Eastern, Middle, and Western Districts of Louisiana
Mississippi state courts
Louisiana state courts
The University of Mississippi School of Law
JD, summa cum laude
Editor-in-Chief, Mississippi Law Journal
Trinity College Dublin (Ireland)
MPhil, with distinction
The University of Mississippi
BA, French; BA, International Studies, magna cum laude
Sally McDonnell-Barksdale Honors College; Croft Institute for International Studies
Croft Scholar
United States Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit
Clerk to the Honorable E. Grady Jolly
Professional affiliations
New Orleans Federal Bar Association, Board of Directors
National Association Federal Equity Receivers, Board of Directors
Louisiana Supreme Court Committee on Bar Admissions, Constitutional Law Assistant Examiner
American Arbitration Association, arbitrator
Academy of Court-Appointed Neutrals
Mississippi Bar Association
Louisiana State Bar Association
Bar Association of the Fifth Circuit
New Orleans Bar Association Inn of Court
Younger Lawyers Division of the New Orleans Federal Bar Association, past chair
Professional recognition
New Orleans Federal Bar Association's President's Award, 2023
Super Lawyer, 2019-2023
Louisiana State Bar’s “Pro Bono Century Award,” 2021
Benchmark Litigation’s “40 & Under Hot List,” 2018-2020
Louisiana’s “Outstanding Young Lawyer of the Year,” 2016
Pro Bono Project’s “Volunteer Appreciation Award,” 2014
New Orleans CityBusiness’s “Leadership in Law Award,” 2013
Teaching posts
Tulane University, Adjunct Professor
The First Amendment and the Media, 2013 – 2021
University of Mississippi, Adjunct Professor
The First Amendment in 2017, Sally McDonnell-Barksdale Honors College, Fall 2017
Mississippi College School of Law, Adjunct Professor
Legal Writing, Aug. 2008 – May 2009
Civic and charitable boards
Community Academies of New Orleans Board of Directors, chair
Governing board of three public charter schools in New Orleans
University of Mississippi Sally McDonnell Barksdale Honors College Leadership Council
University of Mississippi School of Law Alumni Chapter Board of Directors
American Red Cross (SELA Chapter) Board of Directors, past member
Choice Foundation Board of Directors, past member and vice chair
Governing board of two public charter schools in New Orleans
Lycée Français de la Nouvelle-Orléans Board of Directors, past member and chair
Governing board of French curriculum public charter school in New Orleans
Professional publications and presentations
Panelist, “How to Draft an Effective Status Report,” National Association for Federal Equity Receivers Annual Conference, Washington, D.C., Sept. 15, 2022
Panelist, “Case Law Update,” National Association for Federal Equity Receivers Annual Conference, Marina del Rey, California, Oct. 21, 2021
Panelist, “Receiver’s Huddle,” National Association for Federal Equity Receivers webinar, Aug. 4, 2021
Panelist, “Trending Legal Issues,” Louisiana State Bar Association’s Diversity Conclave, New Orleans, Louisiana, Mar. 8, 2019
Panelist, “Right to Brady in the age of plea bargaining: Alvarez v. City of Brownsville,” Georgetown University Law Center, Washington, D.C., Nov. 6, 2018
Guest Speaker, “Copyrights and Trademarks,” Mississippi Governor’s Conference on Tourism, Oxford, Mississippi, Sept. 24, 2018
Guest Speaker, “Copyrights and Trademarks,” Alabama Governor’s Conference on Tourism, Montgomery, Alabama, Aug. 5, 2018
Author, amicus brief on behalf of the Innocence Project, Inc., the Innocence Project of Texas, the Innocence Project New Orleans, and the University of Mississippi School of Law George C. Cochran Innocence Project, filed in Alvarez v. City of Brownsville, No. 16-40772 (5th Cir. 2018)
Author, A tribute to Judge E. Grady Jolly, 87 Miss. L.J. 41 (2018)
Guest Speaker, “Law for Advertisers,” Southeast Tourism Society, Biloxi, Mississippi, Dec. 5, 2017
Guest Speaker, “The Fourteenth Amendment: Transforming American Democracy,” Southwest Louisiana Bar Association, Lake Charles, Louisiana, May 5, 2017
Panelist, “Civil Rights Etouffee,” Federal Bar Association Civil Rights Section, New Orleans, Louisiana, Apr. 7, 2017
Guest Speaker, “Fake News and the First Amendment,” Association for Women Attorneys, New Orleans, Louisiana, Mar. 17, 2017
Author, amicus brief on behalf of 63 law professors in support of Freedom of Information Act request for the Department of Justice’s Federal Criminal Discovery Blue Book, filed in NACDL v. U.S. Dep’t of Justice, No. 15-5051 (D.C. Cir. 2015)
Panelist, “Media 101: What to Do When a Reporter Calls,” New Orleans Bar Association, New Orleans, Louisiana, Dec. 17, 2014
Author, Constance McMillen: Extending the Rights of LGBT Students, American Bar Association, Jan. 2011